Insect trivia! :O

I don't know why we have to write this thing! Nobody reads this anyway. If you are reading this, STOP! Go to the quiz! Stop reading, and enjoy the quiz!

I don't know why we have to write this thing! Nobody reads this anyway. If you are reading this, STOP! Go to the quiz! Stop reading, and enjoy the quiz! :P

Created by: unknownpony
  1. Are insects vertebrates or invertebrates?
  2. Are they warm-blooded or cold-blooded?
  3. Do insects have jaws?
  4. How do they breathe?
  5. True or false: Some insects have tiny hairs all over their bodies, including their eyes.
  6. True or false: An insect's feet can identify it's prey.
  7. What color is their blood?
  8. Insects have bones.
  9. Is insect's exoskeleton hard or soft?
  10. How do their jaws move?
  11. Are insects going to take over the world in 2053?
  12. How are snakes and grasshoppers alike?

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