if you were money how much are you worth

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This was just a little quiz to test one's kindness and how much you are to others! 🐷 if your kind you should have no problems!!! :) :3 How much are you?

I made this just because I can :3 anyway no hard feelings at all !!!! :3 .... well hopefully you can get like 100% what do you think? Anyways this is my first post

Created by: katie
  1. Are you employed?
  2. How is your day? (this won't effect anything or will it?)
  3. Do you like money / do you have much?
  4. Spoon?
  5. Would you help the poor sick children?
  6. You see a crying young child lost what does you do ?
  7. Is this quiz pointless?
  8. You see someone drop their wallet what do you do?
  9. Someone knocks at the door and it's rainy outside open it?
  10. How much money do you want?
  11. Last hshdhdjjdjshdnd

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Quiz topic: If you were money how much am I worth