If you don't get more than 50% you are lying part 2!

Please take part 1 first (check my account). This quiz is full of relatable senarios all normal humans do. This tests your honesty and weather or not you are a normal human.

So, how honest are YOU? Are you as normal as you think you are? All the awnsers are in this test!!! Enjoy :) Please rate and comment, it would mean a lot to me. P.S. I know you all have peed in the shower before...

  1. Have you ever gone to the toilet in the middle of the night but kept your eyes half closed to 'stay sleepy'?
  2. Have you ever slowly closed the fridge door to try see the lights turn on/off?
  3. Have you ever gone to the kitchen randomly in the middle of the night for food?
  4. Have you ever tried to eat something big in one bight like in a cartoon?
  5. Have you ever thought of the best combacks after the argument?
  6. Have you ever made up a fake senario in your head and think of what you would do and act like it's actually going to happen (sometimes even convince yourself it's going to happen)?
  7. Have you ever talked to yourself?
  8. Have you ever had a conversation with yourself in your head and act like you are talking to someone else in your head?
  9. Have you ever had one of those weird a** conversations with your friends and if a stranger heard you, they would probably put you in a mental hospital?
  10. Have you ever danced by yourself?
  11. Have you ever poked a bunch of holes in a rubber (using a pencil)?
  12. Before a big meating, conversation or something like that, have you thought of random combacks for each thing they might say?
  13. Have you ever got angry because someone didn't awnser your texts straight away but leave someone on read for hours?

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