If you click this...

Oh. Em. Gee. YOU CLICKED IT! THANK YOU! I AM SO HAPPY! That's very nice of you. Do you want to know what happens, now that you clicked it? Of course you do.

In case you haven't been on GTQ before, this is how a quiz works. Quizzes are fun for people ages 5 to 105. Just read the question, click one of the answers, and continue. When you get to the bottom, submit. You'll get a result. :)

Created by: Demonslyr
  1. So, you do realize this is a stupid quiz made to level up an account, right?
  2. So, I'll just be asking questions that might or might not have effect.
  3. That last question had effect... Now to the quiz! What if I told you I was about to kill you?
  4. What if I exploded, right now, right in front of you?
  5. I'm a cat.
  6. I read a book.
  7. I like pie.
  8. I see the sun.
  9. So, are you prepared to find out what happens because you clicked this quiz?
  10. Pick an object, then hit submit. You clicked this quiz, what happens is your fault.

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