I think I know your age!

Hey guys! I made this quiz to see if I can guess your exact age.You know how other people cheat on quizzes like this right? If you take this quiz then you can see how I may have guessed your age right.

If you take this quiz, I want you to be honest with every thing you do. Cause I didn't be mean in my other quizzes. Please take this quiz and don't scroll down to the bottom without taking this quiz! Please!

Created by: Enakshi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you go to an elementary school?
  2. If so, which one?
  3. Which grade are you in?
  4. That one only went up to 4th. Upper?
  5. When were you born?
  6. Which month were you born?
  7. Which month were you born?
  8. I've got it good!
  9. Fav number?
  10. Rate or comment?

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Quiz topic: I think I know my age!