I can guess your gender

In this quiz i will guess your gender and i will not use the gender question, i promise. Sorry if you are a male and got female and if you are a female sorry if you get male.

In most quizzes like this they say they are not going to use the gender question but in this quiz there is no gender question so sorry if you get the wrong gender.

Created by: Victoria and Olivia
  1. How long is your hair
  2. Do you wear dresses
  3. Do you believe in magic
  4. Do you believe in faries
  5. Do you believe in unicorns
  6. Do you believe in santa
  7. Do you watch princess movies
  8. Do you wear make up
  9. Do you believe in mermaids
  10. Did you like this quiz (doesnt affect score)

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Quiz topic: I can guess my gender

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