Yep, Its a Minecraft Quiz! (My characters)

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I’m sorry that their are no male characters. I don’t think about gender but I don’t usually have male characters. I’m supportive no matter what sexuality, skin color, and gender.

You are awesome. Stay that way. It’s easy, just be you. I want Starbucks, running out of ideas on what to say. Harry Potter, Harry Potter, ooh, Harry Potter, Harry Potter that’s me. Comment if you know what this is from.

Created by: Bellatrix lestrange
  1. Pick a color
  2. Do you like anime? I don’t, don’t come for me.
  3. Random opinion. But do you agree with me? Chins are weird
  4. Are you an introvert
  5. Pick a song
  6. Do you like Harry Potter?
  7. Do u like Helena Bonham Carter?
  8. Gender?
  9. Ok, another random thought. What would life be like if space and time wasn’t a thing.
  10. Pick a Harry Potter adult (marauders era)
  11. Pick a Harry Potter kid (golden trio era)

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