Paleontology Quizzes
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- Science
- Earth Sciences
- Paleontology
Paleontology: the study of past life, mostly through fossils, which are the preserved remains of ancient life forms. This is our category page for paleontology quizzes.
- DinosaursDinosaurs have captured the imagination of mankind since fossils were first discovered. Have a look at our dino quizzes.
- ExtinctionMost animals and plants that ever lived died out long before the present. This is our section on extinction quizzes.
Our Paleontology Quizzes
- What Pre-historic Animal Am I?[by: Giselle+Chilil, rated: 3.93rated: 3.93/5, published: Oct 29, 2013]
Pre-history isn't just dinosaurs! It took ages for everything else to evolve too! Because do you think dinosaurs can just show off! I believe in the theory so…
Dinosaurs Quizzes
Find them on our Dinosaurs page.
Extinction Quizzes
- Which extinct animal are you?[by: annafrozen12, rated: 3.52rated: 3.52/5, published: Sep 27, 2016]
Which of these 10 animals are you and when did you go extinct? See a picture of what you looked like and read your description.
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