Howrse International! October 2013

How many of the popular Abbreviations and random things do you know about howrse? It's a very popular game and most people learn everything within a week or two.

Message Blue❃Rose or S.hade with anything you need to know. We're both on the international server, sorry if you don't use that one. Happy Howrsing everyone!

Created by: 0Blue Rose0
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is chrissyh?
  2. What are equus?
  3. What does a Piece of Cloud do?
  4. What does P. Stone stand for?
  5. What does HoP stand for?
  6. What does BMI stand for?
  7. What are the directories for?
  8. What is a GA coat?
  9. Will you message Blue❃Rose or S.hade? (International server)
  10. boo

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