How Yah Dude Are You?

There are many people in this wourld but few are true Yah Dudes. A Yah Dude after all is quite horrendous and awful. What is a Yah Dude? Visit the facebook group yah dudes suck dick to find out what a Yah Dude really is. On it is Yah Dude awareness and indentification.

Are YOU a Yah Dude? Do you have ther horrendousness and awful traits for that embarassing title. Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this incredible quiz, in just a few moments you will find out if you are a true Yah Dude.

Created by: Dan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you own more than one polo shirt?
  2. Do you own a horizontally stripped polo shirt?
  3. Do you own a pink polo shirt?
  4. Do you own a pair of plaid golf shorts?
  5. Do you wear the shorts out in public?
  6. Do you wear the golf shorts when you are not golfing?
  7. Do you wear a hat
  8. Is the hat up off of the head?
  9. Is the hat up off the head and also tilted to the right or the left?
  10. Do you "pop your collar"?
  11. Do you frequently substitute the standard response "yes" with, "yah dude"?
  12. Do you refer to a person over the age of 14 as kid?
  13. Have you ever used the word Cheif in a sentence having absolutely nothing at all to do with a native american?
  14. Do you use the word bro?
  15. Do you smoke marajuana?
  16. Do you go to the mall to do something other than see a movie, shop, or eat?
  17. Do you bench press?
  18. If you selected "YAH DUDE!!!" select yes.
  19. Do you hang out downtown Newburyport?
  20. Do you hang out at the movie theatre after or before the movie you have or are going to see?
  21. Do you go to St. John's Prep?
  22. Are you anti-semetic?
  23. Is Dan Backler the MAN!?

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Quiz topic: How Yah Dude am I?