How will you die? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How will you die?

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  • Broke and alone. Thanks a lot, dude. Thanks for the nice pat on the back that I think shoulda been a gunshot :l I'm really offended >:(

  • : Broke and not alone. 86%

    You've made much friends through life, but while in a short period of a house burning down, you were put onto the streets. You tried hard but died of illness.

    Pretty cool.

  • Broke and Not Alone. IDK, I don't expect to be broke...

  • They tried, but you were to sick with no money for medical help. What would happen is they tried to keep you alive for as long as possible.

    Thanks for saying it was cool. You would have to sell your car to pay off the insurance for the house. One thing leads to another. If this Realy happens to you, make sure to pick a good company that will not rob you.

  • Wow! Broke and not alone. Good to know that I have friends but why couldn't they help me out? Why didn't I live in my car? In most of these I get either I die by saving someone or I drown. Cool quiz!

    Pyra Potter

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