How well you know SQUISHY

well there is alot that people dont know wbout me so maybe you learn some new things may you want to see how weird i am well what ever the case see how well your knowledge about me adds up

see how much you really know about me see how crazy and gooffy i am and can be see what i really like how i really am it may surprise you ,you never know until you try

Created by: alishia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is my favorite drink
  2. i am injured where
  3. what is my favorie color
  4. favorite actress
  5. my boyfriends name
  6. dogs name
  7. what is my eye color
  8. my spost is
  9. my favorite actor
  10. favorite food
  11. favorite cartoon
  12. what is the only thing i like about myself
  13. my favorite artist
  14. my nick name (two are possible but only mark onethat applys to you)
  15. what is my boyfriends nick name
  16. my favorite tv show
  17. my teddy bears name
  18. what did i dub my word (two are possible click one)
  19. my favorite disney princess
  20. my favorite disney princess
  21. why do i like that princess

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