how well yall no me?

People alwayz meet me and think gosh i already no you but dont. So i made a quiz about mah-self so yall can learn about or so we can juss tlak more like if u got a low score. iight?

So do you really think ya know me??? Do you have wut it takez to take diz quiz(im juss playin).In juss a few minutes you will find out if you really know me or not juss me you may be surprised bye your score in good and bad wayz

Created by: Tyler
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Wat iz mah favorite type of music???
  2. Whurr am i orginally from????
  3. Who iz mah best friend
  4. Do you i like whurr i live now???
  5. Wut are mah favorite typez of moviez???
  6. Do i like to go shoppin???
  7. Wut do i want to be when i groW up???
  8. if you think you really know me den who am i livin wit right now???
  9. Wut disease do i have???
  10. Wut iz mah favorite vacation place
  11. Last question 4 cryin out loud wut grade am i in???

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