How well do you know your Naruto? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How well do you know your Naruto?

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  • Grr i love the show but i can't answer all of them and it says i am not a big fan and i am!!! v:( bad quize.

  • Well overall it was ok but the Akatsuki questions were very vaigue. I wasnt sure what piont in time you were talking about because at one point ther was only 2 people in the akatsuki and eventually there came to be 12 in all including oro-snake, tobi, madara, sasori, deidara, pain/pein/nagato, itachi, kisame, hidan, kakuzu, konan, and zetsu. AND that doesnt even include team Hebi/Taka that joined in the more recent volumes with: sasuke, juugo, suigetsu, and karen. So in all there are 16 people who were all members at one point. AND for the Bijuu question you have to specify the point in time also because different bijuu were aquired at different times and if you were talking about the most recent episodes then the akatsuki had 7 of them because they only had Naruto and Killerbee left to capture.

  • Well overall it was ok but the Akatsuki questions were very vaigue. I wasnt sure what piont in time you were talking about because at one point ther was only 2 people in the akatsuki and eventually there came to be 12 in all including oro-snake, tobi, madara, sasori, deidara, pain/pein/nagato, itachi, kisame, hidan, kakuzu, konan, and zetsu. AND that doesnt even include team Hebi/Taka that joined in the more recent volumes with: sasuke, juugo, suigetsu, and karen. So in all there are 16 people who were all members at one point. AND for the Bijuu question you have to specify the point in time also because different bijuu were aquired at different times and if you were talking about the most recent episodes then the akatsuki had 7 of them because they only had Naruto and Killerbee left to capture.

  • cool quiz!!!


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