How well do you know X-Men?

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If you love X-Men as much as I do, because if you do then you are certainly going to get a high score on this test. Good luck and keep being a mutant!

Do you truly know XMen? Do you know if you love it or not? Well this is the test to pans wet your questions. If you get a high score, then you really do love X-Men!

Created by: X-Men Girl
  1. Which mutant has the power of fire manipulation?
  2. When was Wolverine born?
  3. How are Havok and Cyclops related?
  4. Who was Wolverines first lover?
  5. Are Scott Summers and Jean Grey married?
  6. Complete the dialogue: Pyro-""You should go back to school" Iceman- "..................................."
  7. Who is Rogue's lover? (Film)
  8. Who has Cyrokenisis?
  9. What is Nightcrawler's real name?
  10. What can Rogue do?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know X-Men?