How well do you know Willy Wonka Jr. Play?

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How well do you know Willy Wonka Jr. Play? Not many people know it well, but lets see if you're a part of the elite group who know it all! Have you studied?

Have you been in this play? Awesome! Me too! (I was the Candyman). I hope you get this all right! Have you seen it lately? You better have paid attention to the show!

Created by: Narwhal
  1. At the end of Veruca's song, what does her mother say?
  2. What scene is the Candyman's scene?
  3. "Who can take a sunrise.. sprinkle it with dew.. cover it in chocolate and a ___ or two?"
  4. "I've got a ___ for a daughter!"
  5. "Write in __ ink Charlie. __ ink."
  6. "So we're simply to-and-froing, slowly getting ___"
  7. Charlie is -
  8. Which grandparent goes with Charlie to the Chocolate factory?
  9. Charlie almost gets caught in a -
  10. How many groups of Oompa Loompa's are there?
  11. "Think ___!"
  12. "Charlie, Charlie, where's your _?"
  13. What does Mike Teavee do?
  14. "Come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pure _____"
  15. Why does Willy Wonka give Charlie the factory?
  16. Augustus fell into a...

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Willy Wonka Jr. Play?