How well do you know us?

There are many people that know us very well but we just wanted to put a quiz together for your enjoyment. So if you don't know a question, we won't hold it against you.

Do you have the brainpower to be put on Ryan and Raquel's genius list? We hope you know us well enough to make it that far. Hopefully you do! Take the quiz to see!

Created by: Raquel Walsh
  1. What is Ryan's major?
  2. What is the movie we first saw together?
  3. When is Ryan's birthday?
  4. What is Raquel's major?
  5. Where did Ryan and I go on Spring break in 2005?
  6. How many sisters does Raquel have?
  7. What town is Ryan from?
  8. What gene did Raquel work on in her research as an undergrad?
  9. What is the most common technique to separate a liquid or vapor mixture.
  10. Where is Raquel starting medical school in August 2007?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know us?