How well do you know undertale?

Hi there! This is a quiz about Undertale! If you have not played undertale or watched a play-through of it, I would recomend playkng it or watching it before taking this test.

This will have quistions about undertale like what is the best anime eva!?!?! Alphas loves it alot! So theres a hit of what it could be! :) and make sure to never give up on the quiz because if it is a bit tricky don't give up!!

Created by: Shadowpaw5454
  1. Whats the talking flowers name at first??
  2. Whats the best anime eva??
  3. Whats the two skeletons names? One short, one a bit crazy.
  4. What does Papyrus want to be causing him to try to capture you?
  5. Who is the final boss in the WHOLE ENTIRE game?
  6. Who is already the head of he royal guard?
  7. Who are the two dogs names who sniff you alot and also love eachother?
  8. Witch channel does Papyrus like to watch?
  9. What can you find in Papyrus's and Sans's house in their livingroom?
  10. IS MTT A BOI OR GURL?!?!?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know undertale?
