How well do you know total drama Ezekiel?

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Are you a total drama Ezekiel fan? If so, Take this quiz to see just how much you know about him. There are 12 questions about The mighty Ezekiel. At the end you will hear his opinion on your score.

Not very many people like Ezekiel. I can under stand that. In TDI he said some things about girls that he should not have. In TDA he went through a little gangster phase. In TDWT, he became greedy, and clingy.

Created by: Zekette
  1. Which hat do I never take off?
  2. What is my hair color and style?
  3. What clothes do I always wear?
  4. What do I say a lot?
  5. In TDWT, who did I scratch in the chest?
  6. When I was eliminated in TDWT, I never left, where on the plane did I live?
  7. I was thrown out of the plane many times, name one place when this happened?
  8. In TDA, I was a member of the peanut gallery. Who did I sit next to?
  9. In TDDDDI, who did I team up with to find the million?
  10. Which one of these nicknames was I called the most?
  11. When I sang in "Come Fly With Us", What did I say?
  12. What happened when I stole the money from Heather?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know total drama Ezekiel?