How well do you know The Vampire Diaries

We all love the hit series The Vpire Diaries but are you a beginner or die-hard fan. This quiz is going to tell you whether or not you are allowed to watch the Salvatores anymore.

We all love the hit series The Vampire Diaries but are you a beginner or die-hard fan. This quiz is going to tell you whether or not you are allowed to watch the Salvatores anymore.

Created by: haileyharber5
  1. What is the name of the main girl character?
  2. What is Stefan and Damon's last name?
  3. Who is Alaric Saltzman?
  4. Who is Niklaus Michealson?
  5. What is Damon and Stefans mothers name?
  6. Who does Alaric try to marry in season 7 but Malachi kills her?
  7. How did the Gemini coven save Jo's unborn twins?
  8. Who is Rebekah Michealson?
  9. What city did Niklaus, Elijah, Cole, Fin, and Rebekah find happiness?
  10. Who did Niklaus believe was plotting against him in New Orleans?
  11. Who's life was linked to elenas when Kai put her to sleep with a spell?
  12. What are vampire siphons called?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know The Vampire Diaries