How Well Do You Know The Trio?

After reading "The Trio," you're probably wondering how well you know the story and the characters, down to the minutest detail. What exactly happens in that scene, why did that character act in such a certain way? You're sure you know.

But DO you know? Is everything always what it seems? The brain often makes assumptions while we're reading. Are these assumptions about the story correct, or do you have the sequence of events wrong? Or the personality of a certain character completely off? Find out in this quiz, "How Well Do You Know The Trio?"

Created by: Elizabeth Lamont
  1. Theresa is...
  2. If a girl or lady was being slandered, Robert would...
  3. Why is Lily distraught about Robert hating Joseph Fouke?
  4. What does Jonathon struggle with as king?
  5. When a traitor is found in Prince Jonathon's camp, Theresa and Rosella...
  6. Bláithí­n becomes a fairy so she can...
  7. Iphigenia is...
  8. Robert saves Lily countless times because...
  9. Blakland is in...
  10. Matthias goes to Ragoned with Robert because...
  11. Why does Rosella like Taranis?
  12. If Lily is friends with Robert, then why does she fight with him?
  13. Theresa is worried about Lily because...
  14. Theresa is described as...
  15. Why does Jonathon love Theresa?
  16. Why is Matthias locked up in Ciar's castle while his brother gets away?
  17. Who is Goldeneye?
  18. Who is Allegra Viscardi?
  19. Why does Lord Theodoric want Alfred killed?
  20. Why doesn't Viola warn Lily?
  21. If someone kidnapped Jonathon's sister Lily, then he would...

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know The Trio?