How well do you know the three stooges?

Three stooges are nearly 100 years old yet there as good as new. People are still watching them here and there, you might be able to find one or two people you know that have seen them.

How well do you know them? Do you have the power to be an expert? Have you seen all of the episodes? Well even if you didn't it's okay because I havn't either! I just recently became a fan of them!

Created by: Sarah
  1. The first episode began in....
  2. What are the three's stooges's names?
  3. What was the name of the guy who replaced "Curly?"
  4. Finish the sentence from "Disorder in the court" "He's speaking_____ I don't know what he's saying!"
  5. What does Larry say as soon as he picks up the phone in "Who done it?"
  6. The one thing Moe does constantly to Curly and Larry (And later Shemp) is....
  7. Finsish the sentence from "Men in Black" "Let's ____ him and see if he's ripe!"
  8. You know when moe is about to hit someone when he acts...
  9. The three stooges always _____ from their problems.
  10. How many stooge episodes have you seen aproximatly?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the three stooges?