How Well Do You Know the National Anthem of the United States?

Are you a citizen of the United States of America? Do you know her ideals, her history, her ambitions? Do you know of her past struggles, and how the USA came to be? What do you know of her National Anthem? Take this test to see how your knowledge compares with others. Find out what you still need to learn, and let this be a springboard into learning more about how our National Anthem came to be. If you were asked to sing the National Anthem at a sporting event--perhaps a Superbowl, for example--could you do it without reading the words from a paper or teleprompter? Are you a patriotic American?
Thank you for choosing to take this quiz. I hope this encourages you to better learn our National Anthem and the rich history about how it came to be our national anthem. If you do well, ask others to take this quiz, and compare their score to your own. If they don't know the Star-Spangled Banner, perhaps you could help them learn it, so they won't look clueless or appear as a spectator when it is sung publicly. If you don't do so well, enter "Star-Spangled Banner" into a search engine such as Google, and read through the additional verses as well. People have died to secure our freedoms--let's not take that lightly. Let's be proud of our heritage. Help others to discover that national pride, too. And please thank a veteran for caring enough to serve, to stand up for our freedoms!