How well do you know Superduck?

Test your knowledge on one of the greatest supervillians of all time. And I need to fill this space up. So I guess, uh. Pancakes. LIterature. Ducks.

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Created by: Were Chic
  1. Even when Superduck was in his egg, he had an enemy. Who was he?
  2. Superduck has a posse. What animals are in his posse?
  3. Superduck used to have an accomplice before she turned on him. Who was this accomplice?
  4. Superduck was adopted by which kind of animal?
  5. What would be Superduck's choice of emoticon?
  6. Superduck is currently fighting which enemy?
  7. Superduck is in love- with who?
  8. Are you going to look at my other quizzes?
  9. Are you going to rate?
  10. Final question- is Superduck...

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Superduck?