How well do you know Sunny from Wings of Fire

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Want to test your knowledge on Wings of Fire? Check out this quiz about Sunny the half SandWing half NightWing dragonet of destiny. Ready? Let's gooo!

There is fifteen questions with only one correct answer. This will determine how well you know Sunny, the half SandWing half NightWing dragonet of destiny.

Created by: J.J
  1. Is Sunny a hybrid dragon?
  2. What tribe is Sunny?
  3. What book does Sunny first appear in?
  4. In The Dragonet Prophecy who does Sunny play when the dragonets are studying?
  5. Who likes Sunny in Wings of Fire?
  6. Does Sunny have a sister?
  7. Does Sunny like lizards or cows more?
  8. What book does Sunny appear most in?
  9. How does Sunny react when she finds out Morrowseer took Starflight?
  10. How happy was Sunny when she was freed from her cage in the Sky Kingdom?
  11. Who does Sunny tackle to (sort of) save Starflight when the dragonets get annoyed by him talking about scrolls?
  12. What does Sunny not have?
  13. What is Sunny's personality?
  14. Who is Sunny's mother?
  15. Is Sunny's father a NightWing or SandWing?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Sunny from Wings of Fire
