How well do You Know States of Matter?

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There are lots of smart and above average people but there are very few geniuses. Are you one of the rare geniuses? Come on I know you want to. Just try it!

Are you a genius? Take this quiz and find out! Who knows you might be secret genius and nobody knew!I really hope you like my quiz! It is my first one!

Created by: the bookworm
  1. Matter is:
  2. The 3 main states of matter are:
  3. An example of a physical change is:
  4. An example of a chemical change is:
  5. Molecules move the fastest in a:
  6. Molecules move slowest in a:
  7. In a solid molecules move quickly:
  8. Molecules don't move in a liquid:
  9. When you apply heat to a liquid it will turn into a gas:
  10. When a liquid reaches very cold temperatures it will turn into a solid:

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Quiz topic: How well do I Know States of Matter?