How well do you know Star vs the forces of evil

Bonjour Im Lauren the creator of this quiz this quiz will tell you how much you know about svtfoe so hope you enjoy my quiz *** so la la la la la la la la

im probably biggest fan of svtfoe EVER so this is your chance to proove to me whos the bigger fan_____now have fun and good luck! <3 <3 <3 ;P LALA

Created by: Lauren
  1. Who is stars main enemy in season 1
  2. What is the charm on Jackie Lynn Thomas's necklace
  3. what episode in season 3 did Star and Marco kiss?
  4. who is the creator of star vs the forces of evil
  5. what is the mean girl with long black hair name in season 1
  6. in season 2 episode 1 what is the title of the first chapter in stars journal?
  7. What is the name of Ludos really tall younger brother
  8. in the episode Death Peck in season 3 which dress is Sar wearing
  9. Who voices Marco
  10. What day was the season 3 finale
  11. What is the name of Toms current Boyfriend
  12. in the episode Bam Up Patti in season 3 what does star bring for Ponyhead to cheer her up
  13. Which kingdom does star live in
  14. Which Queen is considered the Queen of Darkness
  15. Here is a super easy one what color is marcos hoody
  16. what is the name of the little book dude
  17. what is the name of Kellys EX boyfriend
  18. what is Toms last name

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Star vs the forces of evil
