how well do you know sierra?

there are many people that know me but few who know me well. knowing me after all is the best thing that will ever happen to you no im jk but still. someone who knows me has to be funny and think wierdly in far out point of views like past the moon!

Are you someone who knows me well? can you beat the scores of my good good friends like karlie rickie sydney and possibly brekken? well pop on in and check out what questions i got for ya!

Created by: amazon
  1. how many horses do i have?
  2. what do i want to be when i grow up?
  3. what is my favorite color?
  4. what is my favorite kind of pop?
  5. what's my favorite sport to play?
  6. whats my favorite nfl team?
  7. want events do i compete in mostly at the rodeos?
  8. what are my favorite seasons?
  9. if i were in the circus what would i be?
  10. if i got a million dollars what would i spend it on?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know sierra?