How well do you know shopkins season 4

Are you a genues?because you know like everything thats a girl or boy very very smart so tell your friend to do this quiz is likeentertimate and awesome

Are you a girl or a boy? Because if you are taking this quiz you need to know about shopkins season 4 but thanks to doing this quiz i appreciated you are so smart

Created by: Adele
  1. In season 4 shopkins wich shopkins is a glitry shopkin
  2. Which shopkin in fruit and veg is rare
  3. Which 3 shopkins is rare in homewares
  4. Which shopkin have the code of 4-023
  5. In party time june baloon is...
  6. Do jiggly jelly in season 4 is the same as wobbles in season 1
  7. In limeted edition shopkins does the shopkins have different color of shopkins
  8. How many commons shopkins does it have in all
  9. How many shopkins do you need to collect to have all your collection
  10. In accesories how many shopkins are there

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Quiz topic: How well do I know shopkins season 4