how well do you know plies

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Some will say they know everything it is to know about plies, this quiz is designed to see just how much you THINK you know, if you can ace this quiz your definitely a Bust it Baby!!!

You know his face, you've heard his songs, you probably even think your his biggest fan!! Well time to test your knowledge... How well do you know plies????

Created by: kira
  1. What is plies legal name?
  2. Plies started Big Gates records with who?
  3. When is plies Birthday?
  4. What position did plies play in college?
  5. In what year was 'Goon Affiliated' released?
  6. As a college freshman in 1995 plies had _________ receptions for 69 yards?
  7. Plies signed to slip-n-slide records in what year?
  8. In 2008 plies was nominated for _____ awards?
  9. Where is plies from?
  10. Plies played football at Miami University under what name?
  11. What year was plies born?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know plies