how well do you know ONE DIRECTION?

There are mary Directioners in the world but to make sure your the ultimate Directioner you must take this quiz! Because only a true fan will know the answers

Lets see how well you know the one direction boys! Its is the ultimate fan quiz you test if yor a tue directioner or just a carrot! If you lose no hard feelings at least you tryed

Created by: Beryl
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How old are all the boys?
  2. What is track 2 on their ablum 'Midnight memories'?
  3. Who wrote the song 'Diana' for the 'Midnight memories' album?
  4. Who had their picture took with their pants on the ground whilst taking a pee on a bush?
  5. Whos birthday is Christmas eve?
  6. Whos birthday is 13th of September?
  7. Who is the oldest?
  8. Who is perri?
  9. Who is perri?
  10. Guess the song "i never would miss treat ya no im not a criminal"

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Quiz topic: How well do I know ONE DIRECTION?