how well do you know Noah schnapp

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How well do you know Noah schnapp I wonder if you get good or bad I hope you get the best or what ever one you wanted and I hope you had fun doing this

Do you know Noah schnapp as much as me or as much as you want to well take this test. And know I'm just going to put random things because It needs to be 150 done bye

Created by: Mylie
  1. Whan was he born
  2. Was stranger things he's first TV show
  3. Who is Noah schnapp in stranger things
  4. Dose he have a twin
  5. How old is Noah schnapp
  6. Is Noah schnapp gay
  7. Was Noah is the peanuts movie
  8. Do you like this quiz
  9. Is millie Bobby Brown and Noah schnapp best friends
  10. Do you think I like Noah schnapp you don't need to know this it's just random

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Noah schnapp

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