How well do you know mwah?

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you'll never get this right. Never never ever everrrrr xD try me. Ill make all my quizes hard. Very hard. >:3 lmao jk. I'm nic!er than that mate. I think .. cx

Or you might get this right. But I doubt it. Even you sademogirl. Lmao no offense ly bestow c; anyway if you have to take it over and over again until you get it right then do it. No don't do that. Its cheating. - 3 -

Created by: CookieChan
  1. Okay so, what's my favorite color (Im lucky that no one knows meh well cx)
  2. Next, may favorite pet??
  3. May actual name >:3
  4. Mah Favorite YouTuber??
  5. Okay, some hard questions now (maybe not) Do I what anime?
  6. Next, Do I have a TV in my room?
  7. Nextt, How many Sims 3 games do I have??
  8. Which anime show character do I love??
  9. Do I play minecraft??
  10. did you enjoy may FIRST quiz?? c:

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Quiz topic: How well do I know mwah?