How well do you know me? Hehe

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if you're xool you'llwe're living in our apartment together and I'm at home with our dog and you're at work or whatever. it's our anniversary 11-24, and I have something very special planned for you. while you're at work, I text you things like "hurry home babe" "I can't stop thinking about you" "I have something special planned just for you" teasing stuff like that. and you curious as hell come home as soon as you possibly can. when you walk in the apartment it seems empty and quiet. that's when you see rose pedals on the floor from the front door to our actually pretty big bedroom. the door is closed but before you open it you can hear a slight moaning sound. you thinking it was just me playing with myself, decide to go on and open the door. to your surprise you see me on the bed maki

anyway we're just gazing into each others eyes and talking about some random s---, or arguing about how I love you more, kissing here and there, until almost everyone on the plane is asleep, including my parents who are in the very front away from us, so we quiet down and you can tell I'm getting really sleepy, so after tickling me and forcefully but playfully kissing me a bunch, you finally let me sleep. for some reason you're not tired at all, and you start getting thoughts in your head. dirty thoughts. I've been asleep for about half an hour and pretty much everyone on the plane is still asleep. the lights are off and it's quiet. You get a crazy idea and starting rubbing your hands in between my thighs and kissing my neck. it doesn't wake me until you start poking my sides and eventuall

Created by: Zoe
  1. What are my parents names?
  2. What's my favorite color? And favorite color to wear?
  3. If we were out at a restaurant, what drink would I most likely order?
  4. favorite ice cream flavor?
  5. 2 favorite songs?
  6. What state did I live in before moving to California?
  7. Day we met? Hehehe
  8. What's my tumblr URL? :D
  9. Day I actually met you in person :)
  10. What's one thing I need when sleeping

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me? Hehe