What kinda person are you?

Are you the sweet one or are you the bad girl/guy or are you a teachers pet and also a awesomeness !!!!! you are you will see out if you are or not! LETS SEE HEHE!

So how did you do or going if u didnt how are you doing right know hehe your results will now be seen in a few mins or sec okay shut up trinity SHOW ME THE RESULTS

Created by: trinity
  1. Are you nice/sweet caring?
  2. Whats your favorite ice cream flavor?
  3. Whats your favorite color?
  4. Do you have a bf/gf?
  5. Can you help someone in class or do u help others in class ?
  6. Are you hot or are you Not???
  7. Are you a sweetheart AKA teachers pet or Are you a Bad Girl/Boy?
  8. What do your friends no you as?
  9. What colors so you think fits your personalitty?
  10. what do you want to be when your older?

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Quiz topic: What kinda person am I?