how well do you know me?

There are many people our there that think they know me.. so this is to see how many people out there really know who i am.. and if they are really a friend that remembers things about me.

Do you know me? Well if you think that you do why not just take this short 10 question survey and let me know how well you know me. Just remember ill get your score. make sure you think before you answer

Created by: reanna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is my favorite color?
  2. how many kids do i have?
  3. How many states have i been in?
  4. How often do i drink?
  5. how many siblings do i have?
  6. how many neices and nephews do i have?
  7. how many kids live in the house i am staying at?
  8. What color are my eyes?
  9. What size shoe do i wear?
  10. what size are my breast?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?