how well do you know me?

how well do you know me?? take this quiz to find out. if were friends on here, it should be somewhat- very easy. if were not friends yet, well, i love making new friends(;

sorry if the questions in this quiz seem like they're in a weird/ confusing order. i kind of just wrote them in the order that they came to my mind in(:

Created by: Sports19

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  1. what is the color of my eyes?
  2. what is my hair color?
  3. did i dye my hair?
  4. do i wear glasses/ contacts?
  5. do i have freckles?
  6. what is my hair like?
  7. how tall am i?
  8. what genres of music do i like?
  9. am i goth?
  10. do i wear braces?
  11. what is my favorite color?
  12. what is my least favorite color?
  13. what sport do i play in the fall?
  14. what sport do i play in winter?
  15. what sport do i play in the spring?
  16. what is my favorite subject in school?
  17. what language am i taking?
  18. do i read?
  19. am i a girly girl or a tomboy?
  20. do i wear makeup?
  21. what is my all-time favorite band/ artist?
  22. what is my all-time favorite movie?
  23. what is my favorite TV show?
  24. what is my favorite animal?
  25. what is my favorite major- league baseball team?
  26. how many books do i read on average in a month?
  27. what is my favorite book genre?
  28. am i "popular"?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?