Are You A Good Friend?

There are a lot of friends out there, but some are better than others. After all, some friends fight slot, while others love each other! When their is such a wide range of friends, don't you want to know how well you treat your pal?

Are you a good friend or a bad friend? Find out in this fun-filled quiz that will use some easy situations that friends may face. Your answer will say what you would do with your pal!

Created by: Lillyana
  1. Your friend is upset because she just got dumped. You...
  2. Your friend is being bullied. You...
  3. Your friend told an awful joke. You...
  4. You and your friend are talking about which ride to go on next at a fair. You...
  5. You and your friend are at the mall. You...
  6. Your friend and you try out for the Cheerleading Squad, but she is the only one who gets to join. You...
  7. When you and your friend are talking, the topic is...
  8. Be honest, did you ever make your friend cry?
  9. Off the top of your head, do you know your friend's birthday?
  10. Last question! Be honest, is your friend an annoyance to you sometimes?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Good Friend?