How well do you know me?

There are lots of clever people, but most aren't actual clever people. These people aren't very common. These people are genius. Genius knows people and remembers important facts about meh for example.

Is you a genius blad? do dis quiz to find out if you know me and if you don't know me i'll stab you awright okay do it and don't moan and stuff and effort 150 things blegh

Created by: beauxcreature

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What's my middle name?
  2. I had two chocolate brands today. What were they?
  3. What did I do today?
  4. How awesome am I?
  5. What's my dogs name?
  6. What time is it when I got to question 6? Dat be dis question
  7. Eugh too many question
  8. What day was my birthday this year? No checking naughty peoples
  9. Just 2 more questions. This is stress to make I tell ya. What's my favourite of these punctuation marks?
  10. What's my favourite film?
  11. NEED MORE THEN 10 I REMEMBERED IMPORTANT THINGS! Who's my favourite actress?
  12. Favourite singer?
  13. Colour?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?