how well do you know me!

i'm so bored of typing this 6 times can this machine be any annoying happily i dint want to know anyway thanks if you pay enjoy because it sucked typing

123456780 million people in the world poo if they die because they have not played so enjoy so any way i want to see if i can play this bye everyone i hope you enjoy

Created by: atomiczebra19
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do i like best:
  2. whats my favorite food?
  3. what is my favorite colour?
  4. whens my birthay
  5. am i a girl or a boy
  6. what is my nick name
  7. i will type and you will...
  8. my quiz says HI
  9. :O
  10. i am a:
  11. why did i do the last question... never mind what time is it?
  12. hi

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me!