How well do you know me?

This quiz will tell me about how much you know about me and if a would consider you as a freind. It's okay if you get some of them wrong. I don't expect you to get them all correct. But, if you get some of them correct congratulations you know me!! I'm happy. : )

I will simply ask a few questions that I hope you do not find hard. If there hard I'm sorry. Even though I tried to make them hard there probably hard. Anyways, true your best with my quiz!!

Created by: Izbrookey
  1. What is me favorite color?
  2. What's my favorite animal?
  3. What's my favorite fandom?
  4. When me birthday
  5. Okay this quiz is over soon so just choose one. If you get it incorrect is okay.
  6. How iz your day today
  7. Why did you choose this quiz?
  8. Have a good day!!
  10. Hi.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?

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