How Well Do You Know Me?

Hey there! Are you one of my friends? If you are not, shove off! Or stay and test your guessing skills. Either is fine. Now test your knowledge about ME!

Make sure to choose the right answer! Or I will hunt you down and stalk you in your sleep...possibly. Now get on with the quiz! Have fun and try to remember all you can! (You studied, right?)

Created by: Aquadragon
  1. What two vowels are in my name?
  2. What are my favorite colors?
  3. Which element am I?
  4. What country am I from?
  5. Where was I born?
  6. How many countries, US states, and homes have I lived in?
  7. What is the number of my address?
  8. What education level am I at?
  9. What is my favorite animal?
  10. What siblings do I have?
  11. When is my birthday?
  12. Who is my favorite Youtuber?
  13. Which of these are not one of my currently existing poems?
  14. Which of these is not one of my qualities?
  15. Finally, what am I most proud of in myself?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Me?

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