How Well Do You Know Marilyn Monroe?

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HI! Do you love Marilyn Monroe just as much as me? Well, take this quiz to see how well you know her! If you don't score very well, that's totally fine!

If you get a low score, do not worry, at least you will learn something new, right? After, if you want to see some beautiful edits, rare pictures, and slideshows, follow my fan account on Instagram: @jchiswell_mmonroe_14!

Created by: jchiswell_mmonroe_14
  1. When was Marilyn Monroe born, and when did she die?
  2. What is Marilyn Monroe's BIRTH name?
  3. How many books did Marilyn Monroe write herself (sometimes with help of a friend)?
  4. How many husbands did Marilyn Monroe have?
  5. Was Marilyn Monroe a natural blonde?
  6. What was Marilyn's I.Q.?
  7. How many movies was Marilyn in?
  8. Did Marilyn have any children?
  9. How many people attended Marilyn Monroe's funeral?
  10. LAST QUESTION - What was Marilyn's favorite colors?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Marilyn Monroe?
