What Is Your Hidden Power?

I have to write a whole friggin' paragraph. So I'm going to do the long way of things, dion correct punctuation and using big words. Did you know that DNA means Deoxyribonucleic Acid? interesting fact. Your nose and ears never stop growing, so that's why old people look a bit distorted.
Carrots were purple in the Medieval period. If you ate over 600 bananas in one hour, you would become a bit radioactive, because of all the potassium. The universe is really the colour beige. American scientists thought it was green to strat with, but then these absolut super nerds did some tests and it turned out to be beige. The blood in your veins is blue, until it hits oxygen. Platinum is the most preciuos metal on earth. Since koala's eat so much eucalyptus, their fur smells like gum leaves. Just some interesting facts for you, there...