How Well Do You Know Kristina Pimenova?

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Okay, so, Kristina Pimenova is a STAR child (or is she?). She has been dubbed the world's most beautiful girl. But do you actually know her? Do you know everything about her?

Are you sure you know her? Take this quiz and you will find out if you either barely know her, know her well enough, or, can you write an entire book about her?

Created by: MichelleY
  1. When was Kristina Pimenova born?
  2. What are her parents' first names?
  3. What does her mother work as?
  4. What did her father (used to) work as?
  5. Does Kristina have a sibling? If so, what is his/her name?
  6. Where was Kristina born?
  7. What is her career?
  8. How tall is she? (In meters)
  9. When did she start modelling?
  10. What is her zodiac? (If you don't know tap Don't Know)
  11. Who is the girl that happened to look just like Pimenova and what is her name?
  12. Lastly, What colour are her hair and eyes?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Kristina Pimenova?