How well do you know Josh?

Here's a quiz to see how well you know me. Lots of folks do these, and I thought I would, too. Some of the questions may be difficult, but take a guess. You can probably figure me out if you try.

Hopefully you will enjoy the process. Each "Josh fact" that is answered correctly wins you a point. At the end, you can see your percentage score - and hopefully it will be a good one.

Created by: Josh
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my dog's name?
  2. Where did I spend my 20th birthday?
  3. What color are my eyes?
  4. What second language can I speak (semi) fluently?
  5. Who is my favorite comic book hero?
  6. What is my favorite color?
  7. What is my favorite flower to grow in my yard?
  8. What school did I work at in Ohio during grad school?
  9. What do I hope to do before I turn 30?
  10. How many siblings do I have?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Josh?