How Well Do You Know Jessie On Disney Channel?

Do you know the show Jessie on Disney Channel? If you do so take the quiz to find out how much you know about the show Jessie which ended and now there is a new show called Bunk'd but Debbie Ryan and Cameron Boyce are not in it.

In the quiz you will answer some questions all about the show Jessie and nothing else. Sometimes the quiz will be about the show and other time would be about the characters and their real name.

Created by: Christine
  1. Which one of these is not a kid/teenager?
  2. Where does Jessie and the kids live?
  3. What is Ravi's pet's name?
  4. What is the color of Jessie's hair when she was in the show Jessie?
  5. What is Emma Ross real name?
  6. What is the name of Jessie's boyfriend?
  7. What is Luke Ross real name?
  8. What is Zuri Ross real name?
  9. Who went to Hollywood to proceed her/his dream of being an actress/actor?
  10. What is the new show called after Jessie ended?

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