How Well Do You Know Harry Potter

You think that you know Harry Potter? Let's test you on that. This test will show if you are a muggle or not. If you are, then shame on you! NO MUGGLES ALOUD!!!

Do you think that you're doing well? In a minute or two, we will see if you're a muggle not now. Let's not keep it seemed waiting, so, BEGIN NOW!!!!!!

Created by: Natalie Tomlinson
  1. Harry Potter and the _______ Stone Fill in this blank
  2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of _______ Fill in the blank
  3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of _______ Fill in the blank
  4. Harry Potter and the ______ of ____ Fill in the Blanks
  5. Harry Potter and the _____ of P______ Fill in the Blanks
  6. Harry Potter and the ____ Blood ______ Fill in the Blanks
  7. Harry Potter and the D______ _______ P___:1 Fill in the Blanks
  8. ___ Riddle Fill in the Blanks
  9. Who is the Dark Lord?
  10. What are the three deathly Hallows?
  11. What is Ron's last name?
  12. What is the name if the Wizardry and Witchcraft School?
  13. _________ Snape Fill in the Blank
  14. Of his parents, who's eyes do Harry seem to posses?
  15. How did Harry's parents die?
  16. Who does Harry save in the Chamber of Secrets?
  17. Which professor did Harry's mom fall in love with as a young child?
  18. Who wrote the Harry Potter books?
  19. What do dementors take from you?
  20. What is the famous Hogwarts sport?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Harry Potter