How Well Do You Know Harmonee?

You are about to take a quiz that will tell you if you are Best Friends material for a girl named Harmonee. See, recently she lost her former Best Friend, Paige and the haven't been talking to each other so I think Harmonee needs someone else that is willing to stay a Best Friend and look out for her unlike what Paige did.

Harmonee needs a new Best Friend because I think she need to forget about Paige and just let her go and carry on about life. She needs to know what love feels like and she needs to let go of all the bad friends in her life and replace them with better more caring friends. SO take this quiz for Harmonee to feel what a real Best Friend should be like and so you can find out if YOU can be THAT PERSON FOR HER.

Created by: Sarah Parker
  1. What is Harmonee's favorite COLOR?
  2. What is Harmonee's favorite subject in school?
  3. What is the first letter of Harmonee's crush in school?
  4. What does Harmonee like to do for fun?
  5. Who is Harmonee's Bestest Friend?
  6. What is Harmonee's personality like?
  7. Does Harmonee have any pets? If so what kind(s) and how many?
  8. What kind of makeup and accessories does Harmonee wear every day.
  9. How many siblings does Harmonee have?
  10. How many times a week/month does Harmonee paint her nails a different color?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Harmonee?

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