How well do you know Greek mythology?

Lots of people say they know lots, but do they? Take this quiz and find out! I spent a lot of time on this, so I hope you like it. Two days to be exact.

But, just how much do you know? Let's find out! This quiz is harder then you may think! Oh, no hateful comments, others are taking the quiz to. Also, it's hard!

Created by: Verthicha
  1. Let start it off easy, who is Zeus?
  2. Is hades a person, or place?
  3. Who are all of Cronus's children?
  4. How was Aphrodite born?
  5. Time for some harder questions! What are the names of the nine muses?
  6. Who was cassiopeia?
  7. How did Heracles / Hercules die?
  8. Hermes's mothers name?
  9. Gaia's children are:
  10. Did Zeus eat one of his wives?
  11. Echidna's children were...
  12. Whom did Hermes bore to death?
  13. Who was syrinx?
  14. Heracles / Hercules's mother was:
  15. Why was tantalus punished?
  16. What eventually happened to king mindas?
  17. Did Heracles / Hercules even fight for the belt of hippolyta?
  18. Who guards the tree with the golden apples?
  19. Answer this riddle: what has four legs in the morning, two in the day, and three at night?
  20. Who is ares's roman counter part?
  21. How about hephaestus?
  22. Hermes?...
  23. Poseidon?
  24. Persephone ?...( this quiz is redundant no?...)
  25. Demeter?
  26. Zzzzz.... o.-.... O.O ummmm... Hera?
  27. Zzzzzzzz. (-_- Zeus?)
  28. Athena?
  29. Dionysus?
  30. Artemis?
  31. Apollo
  32. Cronus?
  33. Last one of these: Aphrodite
  34. Who caused the Trojan war?
  35. Are you glad this quiz is almost over?
  36. Did you learn something?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Greek mythology?